Nominations for the positions of ADA NSW Councillor are open from 4 July, closing 5pm 5 August 2022 and all eligible ADA NSW members are invited to apply (all members are eligible with exception of student, restricted and honorary members).
About the role:
ADA NSW Council provides a forum for reviewing general matters relating to the profession of dentistry and oral health policy. Council is also responsible for electing from the group of Councillors the ADA NSW Board, including the President, Vice President and six other Directors. Members of the Board have the legal status of a Director and are responsible for governance, overall strategy and performance of ADA NSW.
While the Board is the governing body that manages and directs ADA NSW, Council contributes to the broader discussions around dentistry trends, issues, Council reports and policies which help to inform Board decisions. Councillors who are not on the Board are not subject to the same requirements and legal obligations of a Director.
Councillors meet approximately four times a year and are actively involved in various committees outlined on the ADA NSW website here.
If members wish to serve as President, Vice President or one of the other six Board directors, they must first nominate for, and be elected to, Council.
How to nominate:
To nominate, please submit a statement, your curriculum vitae and a passport style head and shoulders photo, and have the nomination form below signed by two members of ADA NSW (with the exception of student members).