Access to appropriate oral health care services is not a privilege but a basic human right. However, this is not the case for a large proportion of the older adult Australian population.
So many of them suffer such poor oral health that it has led to them being identified as a priority population by health authorities. Older adults living independently in the community are seen to undergo rapid deterioration of their oral health as their frailty increases and they become more and more dependent on others to fulfil their basic oral care and personal hygiene needs.
ADA NSW and its key collaborators bring to the attention of the Royal Commissioners into Aged Care Quality and Safety, the current state of oral health for older Australians and its impact on their general health and wellbeing. We identify the current barriers to access of oral care services and outline the minimum standards of care that should be considered the norm for older Australian adults.
Read our latest recommendations to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety by clicking on the following links:
Joint letter to Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety (Jan 2020)