4 August 2018
Statement from the President of the Australian Dental Association’s NSW branch, Dr Neil Peppitt:
We are appalled by the allegations reported by the Sydney Morning Herald today.
It is ADA NSW’s view that children should never be unnecessarily exposed to radiation, and x-rays should only be performed by qualified staff with the appropriate licence.
We encourage parents, school principals and anyone else who has concerns about children’s treatment by Smiles Onsite, also known as Australian Mobile Dental Care, to contact the Health Care Complaints Commission.
Parents and carers, school principals, and preschool and child care centre directors should be aware of what constitutes best practice in dentistry.
It is ADA NSW’s view parents or carers should always be present at children’s dental appointments, to ensure informed consent to treatment is given and that they understand what the treatment will cost. This also ensures the best use of the child’s benefits under the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS).
The CDBS is a wonderful Medicare program that provides access to dental care for children in need.
Eligible children can receive treatment under the CDBS from their local dentist, including those in private practice and Local Health District facilities.
Any practitioner or private company allegedly breaching regulations or defrauding Medicare should be dealt with swiftly by the relevant authorities.
Today we have written to the Dental Council of NSW asking if they intend to investigate the practices of Smiles Onsite.
We have again contacted the NSW Department of Education, seeking their co-operation to remind all school principals of what is best practice when it comes to dental treatment for children.
We would like to make it clear that parents or carers should always be present when children receive dental treatment.