

As the peak body representing the dental profession in NSW and the ACT, our advocacy for members ensures we stay united as a profession, securing the profile, funding, support and recognition to allow us to continue advancing dentistry and promoting oral health and general health for all Australians.

ADA NSW aims to advocate for the dental profession by being the leading influencer with the community, stakeholders and government. Our goal is to increase awareness of the connection between oral health and general health to improve the health of every Australian.

We do this by:

  • Advocating for the best interests of our members, the profession and the community engaging with government to increase ADA NSW profile as the peak body of dentistry in NSW and the ACT.
  • Developing strong stakeholder relationships to raise awareness of the connection between oral health and general health.
  • Engaging with the medical profession and other health organisations to promote the importance of good oral health as part of good overall health
  • Raising community awareness of good oral health to improve the health of every Australian.
  • Engaging with media to increase the profile of ADA NSW as the peak body and increase awareness of oral health

We partner with:

  • State Government and Regulatory bodies – making submissions
  • Universities & Health organisations – on joint initiatives
  • Federal ADA and other state and territory branches – on national issues

As a membership organisation, we have a strong voice. Our key advocacy areas include improvements in oral health for older Australians, increased awareness of the effects of sugar on health, the promotion of mouthguards and the Child Dental Benefits Schedule and supporting community water fluoridation. Find out more below.

Contact Us

P: (02) 8436 9900
E: adansw@adansw.com.au

Key advocacy areas

ADA NSW recognises that older adults are a priority population who require special attention. Both older adults living in the community and those in residential aged care facilities should have access to affordable, timely, patient-centred oral health care as part of their overall healthcare plan.

In 2019, ADA NSW began collaborating with key stakeholders in the aged care sector to develop two submissions to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety (2019 and 2020). As a result of these submissions, ADA NSW President Dr Kathleen Matthews was called as a witness to the Royal Commission Oral Health hearing held via video-conference in July 2020.

In March 2021, we received great news from the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety’s final report, with oral health for older Australians spotlighted as a major issue in need of action. Recommendations included a Seniors Dental Benefits Scheme to fund dental services for eligible older Australians.

ADA NSW will continue to advocate for elderly Australians by lobbying government to implement the necessary changes for improvements in oral health for this vulnerable group.

The Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) is the only Medicare-funded program providing general dental care for eligible children aged 0-17 years for a range of services, including examinations, cleaning, x-rays, fillings, fissure sealants, extractions and root canal therapy.

The CDBS provides up to $1,132 per eligible child, over two calendar years. However, since the introduction of the CDBS in 2014 the uptake of the scheme has been low.

ADA NSW promotes improved oral health for those children who need it most, by raising the awareness of the CDBS among the general public and our colleagues in health. At the same time, ADA NSW advocates on behalf of dental practitioners to streamline provision of care under the CDBS and lobby for extension of the program to children under 2 years and for those treated in hospitals.

Download our CDBS resources for patients and GPs:


Dental Health Week is the Australian Dental Association’s major annual oral health campaign.

It takes place each year in the first full week of August, and aims to educate Australians about the importance of maintaining good oral health by promoting four key messages.

The 2024 campaign focused on the importance of taking steps to care for your teeth and gums to help you keep your teeth and smile for life.

For more information, visit ADA’s Dental Health Week website. 


ADA NSW promotes the use of mouthguards every year at the beginning of the summer and winter sporting seasons. The provision of custom-fitted mouthguards for all children and adults involved in team sports and at-risk recreational activities prevents many cases of dental trauma each year. We continue to advocate and raise awareness with the general public through media and social media campaigns. With only about a third of Australians wearing a mouthguard while playing contact sport, you can help us spread the word.

Key messages for patients:

  • Sports-related injuries account for nearly 40% of dental injuries, yet only 36% of Australians wear a mouthguard when playing contact sport, and even fewer wear a mouthguard during training.
  • A single case of dental trauma can lead to a lifetime of treatment.
  • Dental trauma from sporting injury can result in damage to the tooth nerve, fractured, cracked or knocked-out teeth, a broken jaw, damage to the tongue and cut lips.

Benefits of a custom-fitted mouthguard:

  • Minimises risk of injury to teeth, gums and jaw
  • Makes breathing and speaking a lot easier
  • A lot more comfortable than ‘boil and bite’ mouthguards
  • Expert fitting from qualified professionals
  • Long lasting, durable and available in a variety of designs.

Mouthguard poster 1

Mouthguard poster 2

Click here for more information. 

People living in regional and remote areas have poorer oral health than those in major cities, with oral health status generally declining as remoteness increases. A lack of effective policy and health system commitment towards rural oral health results in these significant oral health disparities. Multiple factors including availability of dental and oral health practitioners, geographical location, costs of treatment, water fluoridation and patient preferences and attitudes are all contributing factors. 

ADA NSW responded to the NSW Parliamentary inquiry into health outcomes and access to the health and hospital services in regional, remote and rural NSW.

Tooth decay, obesity and diabetes continue to be major health problems for the Australian community. One in two Australians regularly exceed the World Health Organization recommendation to limit added sugar to 10% of daily intake (equivalent to 12 teaspoons of sugar). Sugary drinks are the largest contributor to added sugars in the diet with young Australians (especially males) the highest consumers. ADA NSW supports the introduction of a Sugar Tax by the Australian government with the revenue directed towards public awareness campaigns and other initiatives to assist all Australians in achieving healthier diets.

Water fluoridation is a safe and effective way to provide a base level of prevention for tooth decay across the population. Over 93% of the population of NSW and the ACT currently have access to fluoridated water. ADA NSW continues to support all local communities in NSW and the ACT to introduce or maintain community water fluoridation.

In recent years we have worked with the communities of Molong, Gunnedah, Bega and Oberon to assist local dental practitioners in advocating for the addition of fluoride to the drinking water. We will continue to actively support NSW Health in their efforts to raise public awareness of the safety and effectiveness of water fluoridation at the recommended Australian levels. 

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Room information

Clinical Training Centre (CTC):
Fixed simulation stations - Seats up to 24 delegates plus 1 presenter workstation.

Dental Training Bay 1 (DT1):
Fixed with HD Cameras for live demonstration or recording purposes.

DT2, DT3 & DT4:
Fully operational dental chairs.

Lecture Room:
Various room configurations available.

Digital Studio:
Hired with operator for audio or video recording and/or live broadcast.

Board Room:
Executive style room with Zoom & 360° camera.

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