Filling the Gap provides pro bono dental treatment for vulnerable people who are unable to access mainstream oral health services.
Thanks to our many partners and volunteers we can support hundreds of people each year who would otherwise not be able to get treatment.
Your donation or offer of volunteering will ensure that we can run our programs this year. We have many different ways you can give the gift of a smile.
Filling the Gap provides volunteering opportunities for members and bringing all benevolent programs under one umbrella.
We are looking for experienced dentists and dental assistants who want to volunteer for the following dental aid and education programs:
Filling the Gap dental aid clinics
Regular clinics run throughout the year. We always need dentists and dental assistants to help at our clinics.
Adopt a Patient
Provide a course of treatment to one or more patients in your practice (ADA DHF).
Dental Rescue Day
Held in your practice on a day convenient for you, treating multiple patients in one day (ADA DHF).
Rebuilding Smiles
Provide much needed dental care in your practice to individuals and families who have experienced domestic violence and family violence (ADA DHF).
Oral health education
We need volunteers to visit local childcare centres, schools and aged care facilities to talk about good daily oral health practices. Resources supplied.
Contact Us
Filling the Gap
P: (02) 8436 9946
Join Us
If you’re interested in becoming a partner or supporting our cause, we invite you to contact us today. Together, we can make an even greater impact and change lives for the better.
Our partners

Thank you to our partners
We are deeply grateful for the generous support we receive from our valued partners. Their contributions play a crucial role in helping us fulfill our mission and make a positive impact in the lives of many.
We look forward to continuing this journey together and creating even more positive change in the future.