World Oral Health Day (WOHD) is the largest global oral health awareness campaign.
Celebrated annually on 20 March, each year brings a new theme with key messages to reach the general public, oral health professionals and policymakers making a difference in reducing the disease burden.
This year’s message is Act on Mouth Health, calling for individuals to ‘take care of your oral health to protect your mouth and body’.
You can help support our advocacy aim of linking oral health and general health by spreading #WOHD19 messages to patients and the public.
It’s never too early or too late to start looking after your oral health. Act today to keep a healthy mouth through life:
• Take good care of your oral health at home
• Eat a healthy diet, particularly one low in sugar, avoid tobacco use and excessive alcohol consumption
• Have a regular dental check-up.
If you Act on Mouth Health it will also have a positive impact on your general health and wellbeing.
A suite of resources, including dental practice posters and good oral care checklists for children and adults, are available at: