Achieve the best results for anterior restorations. Strengthen your knowledge and skills at placing well-sealed, biomimetic, invisible resin restorations, while maintaining an aesthetic focus from preparation design through to occlusal control, for long-lasting result.
Discover the modern anterior restoration management strategies and identify conservative treatment options for dental traumatic injuries, while maintain an aesthetic result.
Experience the journey from the creation of a Class IV restoration, using a stratified approach with GC Essentia and G-Aenial Anterior, to the placement of composite veneers with maverick effects, in a clinical hands-on setting.
Guided practical exercises provides an opportunity to improve your skills to effectively mask a dark tooth in the course of placing a composite veneer, with the supervision and support of a compete Hu-Friedy StyleSkulpt Kit, which you keep.
Achieve aesthetic anterior restorations from a better understanding of innovative techniques, materials and instruments. Register early as places are limited.
Click here to book Simple Posterior Composite Restorations
Topics include
- Esthetics
- Anterior Layering Fundamentals
- Occlusion and Design
- Posterior Layering Fundamentals
- Guided and freehand lingual shelf reconstruction of complex direct restorations
- Staining and Shading techniques
- Finishing and Polishing techniques
- Advanced anatomy and maverick effects
Learning Objectives
- How to assess how and where to prepare to maximize adhesive longevity and aesthetic outcome in both Class IV and composite veneer cases.
- Understand the concept behind creating custom shade tabs and the shade button technique
- Learn two methods to block out and neutralize a dark tooth in composite veneer situations
- Learn both putty-matrix guided and Mylar-freehand techniques in building esthetic restorations
- Work with the various shade recipes to predictably reflect persons of varying ages.
- Discover how and where to incorporate tinting to create maverick effects in the final direct restoration.
- Review contouring protocols to achieve primary, secondary and tertiary anatomy before finishing and polishing to perfection.
Other Information
Recieve a take home Hu-Friedy StyleSkulpt Kit, worth $466 (RRP) with your registration.