

Dr Tim McAnulty

Dr Tim McAnulty graduated from Sydney University in 1978 and commenced general dental practice in the small western NSW community of Nyngan that same year.

In 2003 he relocated to Orange continuing his practice as a GP Dentist. In 2004 he completed his Graduate Certificate in Dentistry from the University of Adelaide. From 2012 he has worked in association with Dr Sabrina Manickam in private practice in Orange.

Tim has been involved from time to time with both the University of Sydney and Charles Sturt University in the clinical teaching of dental students on a part time basis. He has also held the position of the ADA NSW Councillor and Board member in recent years.

Over the years as a rural and regional dentist Tim saw many patients whose dental treatment covered a wide spectrum of needs. It was his determination to do the best he could for his patients that led him to look at magnification in dental practice.

in 2009 the opportunity arose for Tim to spend a day with a Sydney Prosthodontist who routinely used a microscope in his day-to-day practice. Tim was hooked and bought his first microscope soon after. He also enrolled and participated in Dr Steven Cohn’s Microscope Course that same year!

In 2014 a second microscope for his practice was obtained as he believes that the greatly improved vision provided by microscopy allows him and his colleagues in the practice to provide the best possible treatment outcome for their patients.

Other courses by this presenter
The Microscope for the General Practitioners – Parts 1
Presented by: Dr Steven Cohn, Dr Tim McAnulty, Dr Sabrina Manickam and Barbara Faulkner
LOCATION: St Leonards
FORMAT: Hands-on
The Microscope for the General Practitioners – Part 2
Presented by: Dr Steven Cohn, Dr Tim McAnulty, Dr Sabrina Manickam and Barbara Faulkner
LOCATION: St Leonards
FORMAT: Hands-on

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Room information

Clinical Training Centre (CTC):
Fixed simulation stations - Seats up to 24 delegates plus 1 presenter workstation.

Dental Training Bay 1 (DT1):
Fixed with HD Cameras for live demonstration or recording purposes.

DT2, DT3 & DT4:
Fully operational dental chairs.

Lecture Room:
Various room configurations available.

Digital Studio:
Hired with operator for audio or video recording and/or live broadcast.

Board Room:
Executive style room with Zoom & 360° camera.

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