

Latest update from the Pharmaceutical Services Unit, NSW Ministry of Health

The Pharmaceutical Services Unit (PSU) manage the safe and regulated use of medicines and poisons in NSW by administering the Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Act and Regulation. The below information ensures health practitioners are aware of their regulatory requirements:

New online forms for notifications of lost, stolen or forged prescriptions and lost or stolen medicines

Notifications to Pharmaceutical Services for lost, stolen or forged prescriptions and lost or stolen Schedule 8 or Schedule 4 Appendix D medicines can now be made using online forms. To access the online forms see Lost, stolen or forged prescriptions and Notifying the loss or theft of medicines

Please note that notification for lost or stolen Schedule 8 (S8) and Schedule 4 Appendix D (S4D) medicines is mandatory under the NSW Poisons and Therapeutic Goods legislation. Health practitioners are also required to report lost, stolen or forged prescription stationery or prescriptions to help reduce the trafficking of drugs of abuse and protects public health and interest.

The Pharmaceutical Services Unit (PSU) has introduced a new online enquiry form

After reviewing how people reach us and in an effort to streamline communication and enhance user experience, Pharmaceutical Services has transitioned from the telephone-based Duty Pharmaceutical Officer (DPO) service to a new online enquiry form. This initiative aims to simplify the process for reaching out and improve efficiency and consistency of responses. Responses will be provided within five business days.

News and notices are published at: https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/pharmaceutical/Pages/news-and-notices.aspx. For further information or clarification, please contact the ADA NSW Advisory Services Team on the details below.

Contact the ADA NSW Advisory Services Team

P: (02) 8436 9944
E: advisory@adansw.com.au

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Room information

Clinical Training Centre (CTC):
Fixed simulation stations - Seats up to 24 delegates plus 1 presenter workstation.

Dental Training Bay 1 (DT1):
Fixed with HD Cameras for live demonstration or recording purposes.

DT2, DT3 & DT4:
Fully operational dental chairs.

Lecture Room:
Various room configurations available.

Digital Studio:
Hired with operator for audio or video recording and/or live broadcast.

Board Room:
Executive style room with Zoom & 360° camera.

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