Filling the Gap is urgently seeking Dental Assistants to volunteer at our pro bono clinics held at ADA NSW in St Leonards. Can you support your DA to come and volunteer?
At Filling the Gap, we rely on the kindness of our volunteer dental staff to provide pro bono dental treatment to disadvantaged patients.
Currently, we are seeking new volunteers to ensure that our programs can continue to run in 2023. We particularly need Dental Assistants to volunteer as well as Dentists.
If you would like to come and volunteer for a day in our clinic, please think about bringing one of your DA’s.
It’s great to work as a team!
Also consider supporting a DA from your clinic to come on a day where they may not be fully utilised, such as a day you are out of the clinic or on holidays.
At Filling the Gap – every bit counts in helping us Give the Gift of a Smile.
For more information and clinic dates:
Visit Filling the Gap
Email or
Phone 02 8436 9946