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Medibank/ahm Cybercrime Incident


Medibank is in the process of contacting, via letter or email, dental providers whose data has been impacted by the cybercrime incident in October 2022.   

If you are affected, the notice you receive will detail the types of data Medibank believes were stolen and released, actions providers can take to safeguard their online identity, and the support and services available.  

While the type of provider information accessed during the incident is often available publicly, such as practice address and phone number, Medibank is writing to individual providers impacted and have committed to transparency regarding the details of this crime. 

An online copy of the notice being sent can be found here. For further details on the support package that is available to providers can be found on Medibank's provider cyber support page. General provider updates will continue to be posted on Medibank’s cybercrime information and support for providers webpage.

You can also watch the ADA Federal Cybersecurity webinars Part 1 and Part 2 for further information.

There is no further action you need to take. However, if you have any questions, please contact Medibank’s Hospital and Provider Advocacy team (HPAT) on 1300 130 460 (Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm AEDT). 

Following this, if you have any further enquiries, please contact ADA NSW Advisory Services on advisory@adansw.com.au or phone: 02 8436 9944.